Be Quiet
By Mauricio Vallejo Márquez
having the world in the hand is not so difficult, especially if we are children. A couple of lines on a sheet of paper can become a wonderful story or two. As a kid could spend the afternoon or the whole weekend, playing and had no fatigue, could devise stories in a sketchbook, I took refuge in my notebooks for writing. You may have reached my age to do so if the society and life I had not been aimed at maturation.
Sometimes I feel with my son and then those years back, except that my hands are larger and more amazed me watching him. It's your turn, now he is the one weapon the worlds, which is rolled back and then out to the garden gate when she hears a siren or when you play a mission that should close the door.
Being a child is wonderful, always good to see you all and forgive easily. But there are always sad cases in which observed small mistreated, deprived. The good thing is that one day all this will end, while we must make life less difficult infants, but future that lies ahead will not be very good.
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