Saturday, December 11, 2010

Mac Studio Fix Foundation Match For Mac C35

: Elephant with Moor

It occurred to me to make one of these luxury elephant twirling going in great detail with these fakirs half Aladin Moorish style (if you've seen the movie) when it comes to aggravate to appear before Yasmin. Well, my imagination and has flown and I made this elephant with its Moorish mono top. When I paint are far more handsome lol, but that will have to wait another week to dry. I hope you like.

As a point I will say that the first thing I did was take a ball and make four legs as well as fang I've added a couple of pieces of sticks. Then as you can see I've been aƱadiento bits to shape the chair supports the elephant and the Moor. The truth is that my animals never gave me too well and this time I surprised myself the best result but you yourselves can judge hehe ..


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