Saturday, April 30, 2011
Install Tile Panel Bath
by Mauricio Vallejo Márquez
recently found a plastic soldier in the garden. He was half buried. Friction with the earth my feet out, and unfortunately broke his base. Just for curiosity I tried to attach it strange again. Useless, just glue would do us the favor. If only I could join the broken, if only the errors cease to exist. But life is no life without mistakes, without the lift and fall and get up again. You need to break things and unite with glue, to recall that were broken.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Maternity Acu Sizing Chart
by Mauricio Vallejo Márquez
Income, descuentito of each payment that we are, you can return to our pockets. How important contribution, for some it may save the month, week or day. In the various offices heard people ask "Have you returned the rent?"
The 30 is the last day to file. People starts to run.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Sample Of Monthly Counseling
by Mauricio Vallejo Márquez
Darius Cinema opened her mouth wide to describe the inside with pain. The door shows gloomy walls that still keep the distance the memory of those days when their rooms exhibiting films of medium quality, rather than the three Xs were her bra. It is the only door, everything else is sealed, keeping stories I did not see or did not take me to see, because this movie was a mystery to me. Located on the street
Rubén Darío, in downtown San Salvador, could be a perfect setting for cultural activities and instead is empty it and holds boxes and dust as the vast majority of the dwellers in our country, crossing the streets without knowing who's sailed before and why and when and who was the first. While the film Darius lying in wait for "... I'll tell you a story."
Letter Welcoming New Church Embers
Hi everyone! I know for a long time since I updated but now my priorities are other than making clay figures. However there is a pottery studio here in La Coruña and this Saturday I signed up for a class. See what I do. It is a wonderful opportunity as well learn with professionals.
Well, I'll tell you the moment I left the workshop web page if you want to take a
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Pet Platypuses In The Us
by Mauricio Vallejo Márquez
death is inappropriate, sometimes comes without the precincts to arrive, others are expected. Rafael Menjivar Ochoa has died. It is a sad news that someone with his talent and with a half life before having to leave. Krisma share the pain and small, as well as other children and relatives of the writer. May the Lord strengthen their spirits in this ordeal.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Can Gonorrhea Sympoms Dissapear In 2 Days
by Mauricio Vallejo Márquez
Gradually the concrete is covering everything. Many houses no longer look show two separate gardens and walls that hide our customs. The streets have become transit points and the old colonies where they shared the life being left empty.
shared my childhood with two colonies: The Santa Clara and San Luis. The first still looks like the same corners, the same colors, but people who saw happen at noon. While the St. Louis has completely changed, and there are no gardens or at least have a few that are not covered by walls and gates.
Before it was rare to see graffiti or stains on the walls without sense, now young people are in the walls to put their names deformed, trying to conjure up their souls and their lives. Soon these walls will be like now and then may no longer have gardens, no gates or who knows.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Is Laundry Service Worth It?
by Mauricio Vallejo Márquez
The streets have been opened. Maple Street has been allowed to see his heart, at least its sidewalks show their past and present. Far left in the memory count traders who camped at them and gave us from a bootleg into the New Code of commercial proceedings. But do not let the street vendors in nature and still in school, only mobile or silent, more sober in their posts: a blanket, a shirt and merchandise. But the rumor, the one who kept hearing the song of birds or the wind in the tops of the trees are gone. And as I go on those sidewalks and Motherhood I approach I see as the vegetation has returned to these sidewalks that had years of not having them branches and leaves. Maybe with the rain returning birds also migrate and after squirrels and well at last we can cohabit the world and ourselves, nature and society and achieve wonderful symbiosis that God gave us.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Elegant Christmas Gift Wrap Ideas

Kicking the paths of past history,
tripping over cobblestones
silence impregnated lanterns
of corners without name.
sink my bare feet in
feelings muddy puddles.
I collapsed in my lap
abandoned on sidewalks eaten by sadness.
choked with so much melancholy,
looking for a place to bury my bones
and my pain.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Clever Sayings For Grooming

Half kiss, half laughing
was the enigma that delivers to your mouth
to untangle
with the mastery of your long fingers.
my heart burned with fire,
a bit so you do not forget
and much more to know that you belong.
And your eyes were the wellhead
on the fall again and again,
on the alienation of love,
always last.
appointing You were afraid because you tore
wonder the mere idea.
beyond my simple image
pleas because touch burned in your heart.
enjoy them,
doliéndonos in the purest sense
losing moderation,
enslaved in
passion to be beyond redemption.