Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sample Of Monthly Counseling

Yawning Dario Rafael Menjivar Ochoa Dies

by Mauricio Vallejo Márquez

Darius Cinema opened her mouth wide to describe the inside with pain. The door shows gloomy walls that still keep the distance the memory of those days when their rooms exhibiting films of medium quality, rather than the three Xs were her bra. It is the only door, everything else is sealed, keeping stories I did not see or did not take me to see, because this movie was a mystery to me. Located on the street
Rubén Darío, in downtown San Salvador, could be a perfect setting for cultural activities and instead is empty it and holds boxes and dust as the vast majority of the dwellers in our country, crossing the streets without knowing who's sailed before and why and when and who was the first. While the film Darius lying in wait for "... I'll tell you a story."


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