Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Can Gonorrhea Sympoms Dissapear In 2 Days


by Mauricio Vallejo Márquez

Gradually the concrete is covering everything. Many houses no longer look show two separate gardens and walls that hide our customs. The streets have become transit points and the old colonies where they shared the life being left empty.
shared my childhood with two colonies: The Santa Clara and San Luis. The first still looks like the same corners, the same colors, but people who saw happen at noon. While the St. Louis has completely changed, and there are no gardens or at least have a few that are not covered by walls and gates.
Before it was rare to see graffiti or stains on the walls without sense, now young people are in the walls to put their names deformed, trying to conjure up their souls and their lives. Soon these walls will be like now and then may no longer have gardens, no gates or who knows.


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