FIGURE CLAY: A flamenco dancer Let's start making a figurine: We
this dancer so tasty that I have done a long time. I promised a couple so that it will be hours of fulfilling my promise
Well as you can see the dancer I've done a base so I will try a base for the dancer is not unbalanced. First of all, open your bag carefully so that after a little Fixo is tightly closed, and will not dry the mud inside the plastic bag. I advise
cortéis strips of clay by a rule of thumb, if you see that you are going to need more ... then another strip and ready. And most importantly of all, and apretujéis machaquéis good piece of clay to make it malleable and becomes solid. Ensuciaros well and knead well start well hehe ...
Now let's take a piece and machaquémoslo hand and with his fist until a uniform surface that we can then cut with a knife.
Once the base, get wet with plenty of water and leave aside for use at the end and crank up the dancer.
The next step is to take a wad of clay large enough to cover the space from the head to the skirt. And divide the block with three slots: one that will be the head, another will be the torso and finally it will be wider than the skirt.
We will make a slit on one side with the knife to hit the arm and the trick to make it stick better is to impregnate the little hole with a little water.
With the other arm do the same only we put the up position. With the knife began to cut where needed, to make the endiduras the chin, to make the shape of the breast, waist to give you more until we get something you can guess better than a heap of mud ;-)
We will make the FORMIT the nose on your face and with the help of the knife the tuning go. Hair crush a lump of clay as seen in the photo we stuck to the head as we caiga.Le pinching around the nails and hair with your fingers to feel that you have curly hair finally make the shape of the eyes and mouth with a stick and a flower on the right side when dry red paint.
We would being something like this. For details on the sleeves simply insertais little arms around strips of clay to resemble pellizcais flyers.
Finally, as you see in the picture, empty bagging the entire contents of the skirt so that it is free of clay and weigh less.
Finally the skirt to do the same thing to the hair, pinched to resemble the leaflets of the dancers and voila:
Now we can stick to the dancing on the platform and besides having fun our poor dancer and has a pair !!!!! Will be much prettier when the paint.