The controversy over the new scale of points to evaluate the activity of the traffic police remains confronted by the guards and the Government.
According to published news that the country, opinions on how and where to fine the Civil Guard and the Government did not agree at all. According to the Government, the Civil Guard duty, is to enforce the law and impose fines.The controversy over the new scale of points to evaluate the activity of the traffic police has been what has brought to the fore this disagreement. traffic guards will be awarded two points for every complaint about road safety, as in the case of intervening in an accident, and four penalty points for transportation. The blood alcohol are worth nine points when they are on offense, five if they are for sampling and roadside assistance is only worth one.
The Government defends saying: "The end is no tax collection, but the protection of road safety" . However, for the Unified Association of Civil Guards, the important thing is to guard the most dangerous and not the most productive.
According to an internal memo from the Traffic Department of the Guardia Civil, the value assigned to the activities of agents depends on the "arduous nature", "time" employee and "the initiative to get involved" . Allegations of crimes against road safety show, according to the document, "a bonus of initiative" and a "further study to keep up."
The additional road safety are the agents who are dedicated to fulfilling this task is 150 euros a month, guards fear that this measure is intended to coerce them to put more tickets on pain of leaving no money . During May and June the number of fatal accidents was 269 against 309 the previous year, representing a decrease of 12.9%, the fourth decline in the decade. This shows that fine for the fine serves to raise money, but not to reduce accidents.
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